Our Pledge Against Waste.

Our ongoing fight against plastic packaging.

Plastic is not fantastic.

We think you agree it is the end of the reign plastic has had over our lives and it is time we start thinking about how to say goodbye to it forever. We have all seen heart wrenching images of the plastic in our rivers and seas and we really don’t want to contribute to that.

That’s why, at houseof we have taken the decision to take any unnecessary plastic out of our packaging. Wow, that sentence was easy to write but the reality of this strategy was really quite tricky.

Lighting is very fragile and a lot of our products are glass hence traditional lighting packaging consists of reams of bubble wrap and polystyrene. After MANY conversations and trials, we took our inspiration from the humble egg box. If this precious cargo can survive without bubble wrap then why can’t our sturdier glass?

We are sharing this and being completely transparent in the hope that others follow suit and start to reduce their plastic footprint too. We don't have a marketing strategy around this, which is why we haven't really shouted about it yet.  We just think it is the right thing to do.  We do know how much other people acre about it though and quite rightly, it helps people choose where to buy their products.  It doesn’t just stop at plastic, at houseof we don’t believe in creating unnecessary waste and that’s why we are pledging to cut down. We all have a long way to go, but from the decision to keep our range tight, concise and not buying huge quantities to our LED lighting and bulbs we will continue to strive for greener ways of working.

Let us know if you have any ideas for ways we can cut down further.  


Houseof x Melinda


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