What We Value… What Makes Us, Us?
people • trust • simplicity • self-belief • fun and excitement
Values... the new buzz word of business.
From left, Florence, Michael, Helen, and Hannah (2019)
I am first to admit, I was the cynical one in the past, when values were shoved onto me with a1 posters stating "THIS IS WHO YOU ARE". I used to shudder at the idea of talking about them and thought they were just something people did, filed away and never looked at again.I associated these "values" with the business and never thought they would coincide with my values as a person. I did not think they were important and I certainly would not have been able to recite them with any passion.
When we first started houseof we decided that we should start with values from the very beginning and that these would never change. An odd concept to me at first but eventually my eyes were opened and we had a light bulb moment when we realised that our values are what makes us, us - as people as well as a business.
The important difference in the values of houseof and the ones of jobs past, is that they are not something we aspire to be, we do not make them complex or hard to understand they are just simply what we care about and think is important. Our values are the foundations of the business and are the very thing we base all of our decisions on (including who we hire). They keep us on the right path, guiding us when we struggle or deviate.
This is why we publish our values. If you see that we aren't upholding them, then tell us. Guide us back to the right path.
Our five houseof values:
• We value people
• We value trust
• We value simplicity
• We value self-belief
• We value fun and excitement